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T a o Mr. N EA L 'S IP Vol. o f the Neal, p. 252. Sir Nathaniel Brent, his Grace's Vicar-General, atteßed upon Oath at the ArchbUhop's 'Trial, that he gave him a fpecial Charge to convene all MinUers before him, who would not read the Book of Sports upon the Lord's-Day, and to fufpend them for it. 'Twould have been fair to have given the Arch- bifhop's Anfwer to this Charge. ' The firft Witnefs (fays the Archbifhop) produced, was Sir Nathaniel Brent, who fays, he had Charge from me to call for an Account of not reading this Book, both in my Province at my V ifitation, and in my Diocefe. His Majefty having commanded this, I could do little, if I had not fo much as enquir'd what was done : And for my Province, he confelles he gave time to themwhich had not read it, and then never ask'd more after it ; fo there was no eager Perfccution.' Neal, Ibid.. And that hegave Order to fufpend the three following Kentiíh Miners by Name, viz. Mr. Player, Mr. Hieron, and Mr. Culmer, where- upon be did againfl his judgment fufpend them, all, ab Officio & Beneficio ; though the. King's Declaration, as is obferv'.d,,, does not oblige, the Minifler to read it. Their Sufpenfion continu'd'till the beginningof the Com- motions in Scotland; to the Ruin of their poor Fami- lies ; IVIr. Culmer having a Wife and fever. . ,Children to provide for. Anthony Wood's Account of Culmer is this : f ' That lz was a bitter Enemy to Archbilhop Laud, to the Cathedral of Canterbury, and to all the Pre- ' latical Party, in the beginning of the Rebellion, rais'd and carried on by the difaffeEed Party. A- , bout that time he became Miniver of Harble- down in Kent, and, if I miftake not,, Vicar of St. Stephen's near to Canterbury, in the. place of Mr. * Trial and Troubles, p. 343. t Wood's Athen. Oxon, Vol. 1. p. 863 . `john