Grey - BX9329 G7 1736

WaryofthePuritans, examin'd. z 3 i ' john Gouge, ejeEted thence for refufing the Cove- ' nants. And left he Ihould not be efteem'd as ' zealous a Brother for the Caufe, as any then in being, hepublifh'd a molt vile Pamphlet, entitled, Cathedral News : or Dean and Chapter Newsfrom Canterbury. London, 1644. qu. In which, heaping up all that he could rake together againft the Cathedral of Canterbury, Archbithop, Dean, Canons, and other Officers belonging thereunto ; had immediately two Anfwersfrom Oxford, one in a Pamphlet, entitled, The razing of the Re- ' cord, &c. Oxon. 1644. and in another, .z4ntido- ' turn Culmerianum : or, flnimadverfions upon a late Pamphlet, entitled, Cathedral Newsfrom Canter- ' bury, &c. Oxon. 1644. qu. in five Sheets. In which laft is fet down many Aétions of Culmer's Life, his Demeanour'while he was in the Univer- fity of Cambridge, and in the Country ; his Re- ' frac`torinefs, Impudence, Covetoufnefs, Unnatu- ' ralnefs, &c. and what not, that the Author thereof, who was a molt generous Loyalift, and who, knew him, could put together, to difplay him to the World, &c. After the King'sRefto- ration, he continu'd fo zealous in his Opinion, as to engage (for fo it was notorioufly fufpeEled) in 6 that hellith Plot, for which `Thomas Penner, Roger Hodgin, &c. Anabaptifts and Fifth-Monarchy- Men, fuffer'd in Coleman-Street, in London. ran. ' 9. 1660. But the Spirit of the Man being as well known as his Face ; he was taken potting up from Canterbury to London, riding upon ' Chartham Hill. Whereupon being committed for a time, he among feveral Examinations was ask'd, why he broke down thofe famous Win- ' dows of Chrifl-Church in Canterbury ; to which ' he anfwer'd, He did it by Order of Parlia- ment. And being ask'd, why in one Window, (which reprefented the Devil tempting our Savi- K2 'our)