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136 N E A L's IP Vol. of the G C rence, which was this : The Name refits was become a Name of Reproach among the yews, they always blafphemed and reviled him by this Name, terming 'him by way ofReproach, yefus the Magician, and refus the Impojlor ; which Terms Of Infamy and Difgrace they endeavour to fatten on him and propagate not only in yu- dæa, but over all the World : For yuftin Martyr tells us, in his Dialogue with I'rypho, that imme- diately after our Saviour's Death, they fent forth their Apotlles and Emiffaries from yerufalem, to all the Synagogues in the World, to tell them, there was a certain Impious, Lawlefs Sell, rifen up under one yefs a Galilean Impoftor. So that the Name refus was become a Name of Infa- my among the yews ; whereas the Name of Mesas, or Chrift and God, and Holy Ghoft, were always Names of Refpeet and Honour among them. For this reafon, the Church of Chrift, tá do a peculiar Honour to their Lord, took up this decent Cullom of their Refpea tò him, at the mention of that very Name, by which the yews blafphemed and reviled him ; to thew, that that yefus whom they hated and re= proach'd, was honour'd by them as their Lord and Chrift.' Neal, p. 257. They (viz. the Puritans) urged the Rubrick in the Common Prayer-Book ; that Altars in Churches were a Popifh Invention, andof no greater Antiquity in the Chritlian Church, than the Sacrifice. of the Mal: and á jilted Ilrenuoufly on the Difconti,- nuance of themfnce` the Reformation. In one of King Edward's InJunUions ¡547, Two Lights are order'd to be fet upon the Holy Altar, before the Sacrament.' And in another, the Sacrament is call'd, the Sacrament of the Holy Altar, And in the Rubrick of King Edward Vl's firft Book, it is direáted, that the Prieft ftand= itg