Hiftory of the Puritans, examin'd. 7 may acid Bithop Burnet's Authority, which I be- lieve will have the greateft weight with our Hiflo- rian. ' Gowry's * Confpiracy, lays he, was by them charged on the King as a Contrivance of ' his, to get rid of that Earl, who was then held in great Efleem : But my Father, who had taken great pains to enquire into the Particulars of that ' Matter, did always believe it was a real Confpi- racy. One thing which none of the Hiftorians ' have taken Notice of, and might have induced ' the Earl Gowry to have wifhed to put King yames ' out ofthe way, but in fuch a difguifed manner, ' that he fhould feem rather to have efcaped out of ' a Snare hirnfelf, than to have laid one for the King, was this : Upon the King's Death, he ' flood next to the Succeffion to the Crown of England; for King Henry VIIth's Daughter, that was married to King 7ames IV. did after his Death marry Dowglafs Earl of Angus : But they ' could not agree, fo a Pre-contra&was pronoun- ' ced againft him. Upon which, by a Sentence ' from Rome, the Marriage was voided, with a Claufe in favour of the Iffue Pnce horn under a Marriage de facto, and bondfide ; Lady Marga- ret Dowglafs was the Child fo provided for. I did perufe the original Bull confirming the Di- ' vorce. After that, the Queen Dowager marri- ed one Francis Steward, and had by him a Son, made Lord Methuen, by King 7ames V. In the ' Patent he is called Frater No,Jter Uterinus. He had only a Daughter, who was Mother, or Grandmother to the Earl of Gowry : So that by this, he might be glad to put the King out of the way, that fo he might fland next to the Sue- ' cefïion of the Crown of England.' * Bifhop Barnet's Hiftory of his own Time, p, is. B 4 Their