Hifiory ofthe Puritans, examin'eI. t 6 London, obferves upon this Statute. That upon Confideration had of this Matter, by Corn- " mand of the King, it was anfwered, and refolved 6 by Popham Chief Juflice, Coke Attórney, the b Chief Baron, and the other juftices then atten- dant on Parliament, That although the faid Ad 6 i Mary, be repealed, yet the AEt i Edward VI. is not now in force, but remains repealed ; and that for this Caufe, that the foregoing Aft 25 6 Hen. VIII. cap. 20. tho' repealed by I and 2 Philip and Mary, cap. 2. was revived exprefly, and byName, in the ift of Eliz. cap. 1. § 7. &c. From hence it follows, (fays Lord Coke) that the 6 A of I Eliz. reviving the 25 Henry VIIIo hash 6 repeal'd the A6-1 of i Edward VI.' Neal, ibid. This was an Outrage againft the Laws, contrary to the i1ñt of Submon. If it was, then was Bithop Ridley the Martyr guilty of fuch an Outrage againft the Laws ; he having publifhed Articles of Vifitation Anno 1550; in his own Name ; which are to be met with in Bifhop Sparrow's Co1leEtions. Neal, p. i 88. The Church was now in the Height of its Splendour, and grafp'd not only at all ffiritual Jurifdi' lion, but at the higheft Preferments ofState for this Year Dr. Juxon, Bifhop of London, was de- clared Lord HighTreafurer of ::.,gland. Juxon's Name had hardly been known at C',*rt above two Years; for till then he was no more than a private Chaplain to the King, and Head of a poor College in Oxford, t ' He was made Dean of Worcefier, January 1627, in the place ofDr. Jofeph Hall, promoted 6 to the See of Exeter, being then one of His Ma- , jefly's Chaplains in Ordinary. On the i oth of July 1632, at Dr. Laud's Suit, then Bifhop of Bifhop Gibfon's Codex, p. 132. -x Wod's Athen. Oxon. Part II. p. 662. M 2 6 Lon-