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HT Tor ofthePuritans, exarnin'd. 171 know the great Number of Papifls that ferve in their Armies, Commanders and others The e great Induftry to corrupt the Loyalty and Mee- ' tions of all our loving Subje6ts of that Religion ; ' the private Promifesand Undertakings, that they 6 have made to them, that if they would drift them againft Us, all the Laws made in their ' prejudice Ihould be repeal'd.' Salmonet, who was himfelf a Secular Priefl, owns ; ' That abun- ' dance of Popifh Priefts were found among the ' dead in the Parliament-Army at Edge-hill.' And * Sir William Dugdale affures us, ' That certain ' Troopers of Popifh Walloons lying about Putney and Kingflon, and entertain'd in the Rebels Ser- ' vice ; being ask'd the Reafon why they would ferve againft the King ? anfwer'd, ghat it was all one for point of Religion ; but only if they ferv'd 6 the King, they could not be permitted an open Exer- 6 cife of their Devotions, according to the Church of ' Rome, which the two Houfs gave them leave to ' do.' And in another Place ; t ' To hinder his e Majefty (fays he) from the Affiftanceof his good ' Subjects, under one pretence or other (though they had cried out againft his railing an Army, by the help of Paps, to deftroy the Proteftant Religion,) they were not afham'd to make a 6 publick Order, (O 7ober 6. 1642.) That if any 6 Papift wouldbring in confderable Sums to them upon ' the Propoftions, it fhould be accepted.' Mr. Neal, p. 308. gives us the Lord Claren- don's Reprefentation of the Times, at the begin- ning of King Charles's Reign, with very wife Re- marks of his own, as ufual ; which he concludes in the following manner : Erhard's Hiftory of England, Vol. II, p. 35.3. Dugdale's Short View of the Troubles, p. 564. * Id. Ib. Dagd le's Short View, &c. t. ley. P.311,