So Mr. NEAL's 11d Vol. of the poled, her Tutor, being defired to pray with her, anfwered, He durjt not do it, it being no good Manners in him to fpeak, while his Mafler was fpeaking in her : whenas, by Obfervation of ` the molt Intelligent, it appear'd Confederacy; and ` that the was not intranced, for in her pretended Raptures, the would make pertinent Anfwers; ` and all that the fpake was in favour of the Cove- ` nant, that theirs was from Heaven, but that commanded by his Majefly from Sathan, and that all its Adherents fhould be confounded, ` which made it finell ftrongly of Romifh Impof- ` turn, and a pious Fraud.' Neal, p. 316. T'hcfe Proclamations [viz. thofe ifiued by the King's Council] inflamed the People to fuch, a degree, that the very next Day the Bop of Galloway would have been torn in pieces by the Mob, as he was going to the Council- Iloufe, had he not been refcued by Mr, Steward ; but sniffing of his Lordfhip, they belt the Council Houfe, and threatned to break open the Door, infomuch that the Lords who were affernbled, were obliged to fend for force of the popular Nobility in Town to their Relief ; but the People would not difperfe, till the Council had promifed to join with the other Lords, in petitioning the King a- gainfl the Service-Book, and to reflore the falenced MinViers. The King's Remark upon their ffirft Tumult, occafioned by reading the Scotch Liturgy, is this: * And now we delire all Men to confider, what Blefiing and Succels from Heaven might be ex- ' pec`Ied upon this grand and important Reforma- tion of Religion, as they call it; the Begetter and Beginner whereof, was the horrible Profa- nation of the Lord's own Day, and that, in the ' Lord's own Houfes, and Temples; and all this at- 6 tended with the Contempt, and treading under * King Charles's large Declaration, p. ay. foot,