Hj?orÿ.of thePuritans, exanin'd. z 85 Walter Tayler, A. M. Fellow of !Trio. Coll. now Profeffer, 1735. Mr. Chauncy was Greek Let'lurer of his own College, which might probably lead Mr. Neal in- to the Miftake. Neal, p. 332. When the Puritans might not tranf port themfelves to New England, they removed with their Families into the Low Countries. Among the Divines that went thither about this time, were Dr. Thomas Goodwin, educated in Cambridge, and a great Admirer of Dr. Prefton. This was the Perfon whom Sir Philip Warwick mentions; where, fpeaking ofCromwell's Illnefs, of which he died, f ' His fulfome flattering Divines (fays he) and Friends, all gave themfelves aífu- rance of his Recovery ; infomuch as Thomas Good- win, in his fancy Expoftulations with God in Prayer, would tell God, " That they alked not " for his Life ; for they were affured he had too great things for this Man to do, to remove him " yet; but they prayed for his fpeedy Recovery, becaufe his Life and Prefence were neceífary to divers things, then of great moment to be dif- " patched." Neal, p. 353. Philip Nye, A. M. educated in Magdalen-Hall, [entred firft of Brazen-Note. See Anthony Wood] Oxon, and a popular Preacher at St. Bartholomew's Exchange, London. Anthony Wood tells us, IJ That ' in 166o, after his Majefty's Reftoration, it was debated by the * From the College Regifter of Trinity, C. C. Græca Grammaticæ Præle6ìor, 1624. Car. Charing, Greecus Prse- le6tor 162.6. The following Particulars fland likewife upon the College Regifter, and may be of life to Mr. Neal. Car. Chauncy, Socius Minor, 3 Otio6. 1614. Socius Major, 4 April, 1617. -j- Sir Philip Warwick's Memoirs, p. 388. Wood's Athena, Vol. II. p. 369. healing