Hi ory of the Puritans, examin'd. 193 Ship-Money, than which nothing feem'd fo grievous.' Had not that Parliament been broke by the fubtil Artifices of the grand Contrivers in the immediate Rebellion ; no doubt, but all thole Miferies which were thereby foon after brought upon this Realm, might have been eafily pre- ' vented : And that the Breach thereof was wrought by them, is plain enough. For Sir Henry Vane fenior, a Member of the Houfe of Commons at that time, (and one of his Majefty's principal Se- ' cretaries of State) having by the King's Appoint- ' merit moved for a Supply of 'Twelve Subfidies; yet with a Power to ftoop to eight : when he law an Inclination of the Houle tending thereto (firft by a Propofal of four, then five, nay fix were men- ' tioned, and the Motion not diflik'd) told them peremptorily, That it was in vain for them to think of lof than twelve, in regard he knew, under that Number would not be accepted. And having, by that finifter Dealing, kept fuch diftance betwixt his Majefty, and his good Pubje&s, was by force ' other of the Fat ion fo feconded, with a hideous Reprefentation of their Grievances, together with, dangerous Innovations in Religion, and Fears of introducing Superftition ; beiides certain Mori- ' ons as did not (without Caufe) put ftrange ap- prehenfions in the Qeen, of Peril to her Per- ' fon, that his Majefty was conftrain'd to diffolve that Parliament : for a farther Proof of which, I refer the Reader to the Authorities in the * Mar- ' gin.' Neal, ibid. 'The Cler7ÿ in Convocationgave Six' Subfidies. ' During this Parliament (fays Arch- * Sir Philip Warwick's Memoirs, p. 147. Orleans's Hi4forlr of the Revolutions in England, p. 3 1 z. Kennet; p. 96. Rapin, p. 417, Wiaitivck's Memorial, p. 32. ,Frá.nkland's Annals, p. .Szë. ' bifhop