T 94 Mr. N E AL'S III Vol: of the bifhop Laud, Trial and Troubles, p. 79.) the Clergy had agreed in Convocation to give his Ma- jefl:y Six Subfdies payable in fix Years, which came to 20,000 1. a Year for fix Years. But ` the .ACI of it was not made up.' Again, p. 80. They made it up afterwards, and therein followed a Precedent in Archbilhop Whitgift's Time, Ann. 1586.' Neal, p. 348. Canon q.. (of 1640.) againfi Soci- nianifm, it is decreed; That no Perfon fhall import, print or` difperfe any of their Books upon pain of Ex- communication, &c. No Miniftcr (hall preach any fuch l3oflrirtes in his Sermons, nor Student have any fuch Books in his Study, except he be a Graduate in .bivinity. Or fuch as have Epifeopal, or Archidiáconal u- ` rifdiétion, or any DoEtor of Laws in Orders, as is aforefaid.' Omitted by Mr. Neal. Neal, ibid. N. B. None ofthe DoSrines of Soci- nus, nor any of his Aculiar Sentiments, are mentioned in this Canon. This wife N. B. is not furely Our Hiftorian's hemight as well have objeäed againft the forego- ing Canon, becaufe the Doctrines of Popery are not fpecilied. Neal, p, 349. ` In his Majefly's Duplicate of this Cano» [vizi the Sixth] feet by the Archbilhop to she B/op ofEly, the Word [ Popifh] is emitted, as it is in the Duplicate feet to the Ficechancellor of Cam- bridge, andfeveral others. Nalfon, p. 499. From the place referr'd to in Nalfon, it appears, that the Omiflion was complained of by Bishop Wren and Dr. Coùjins, which thews, how little they were inclined to Popery, a Brand he has all along been endeavouring to fix upon them. So that his Note tuìt direly againtk him. /Via/, p. 350. It is ordain'd, that all that are incor- porated in either of the Univerfities, or take anyDegree, whether