Hftory of the Puritans e atnin'd i 95 whether Lawyers, Divines, or Phy "icians, Jhall take the fame Oath. The Sons of Noblemen are exprefsly excepted, in the Canon. Neal, ibid. Carron 7. The Synod declares, that theHanding: of the Communion- Table, fideways, under the Eaf$ Window of the Chancel or Chapel, is in its own Nature indifferent ; But forafauch as Queen Eli- ábeth's Injuntlions order it to be played where the Altar was, we therefore judge it proper, that all Churches and Chappels do conform themfelves to the Cathedral or Mother- Churches. The Canon begins thus : ' Becaufe it is gene-,, rally to be wifh'd, that Unity of Faith were ac- companied.with Uniformity of PraEtice in the outward Worfhip and Service of God, chiefly for the avoiding of the groundlefs Sufpicions of thole. ' who are weak, and the malicious Afperfions of the profeffed Enemies of our Religion, the one " fearing the Innovations, the other flattering them- ' felves with the vain Hopeof our backfliding unto ' their Popifh Superftition, by reafon of the Situa,- Lion of the Communiera-Table , and the Ap. proaches thereunto ; the Synod declaresas follows. Neal, p. 352. No Chancellor, Commilary or Offi- cial, not being in. Holy Orders, Jhall inflict any Cen- fure upon the Clergy in criminal Caufes, other than Neglect of appearing but all filch Caufes (hall be heard by the Bifhop, orfonte dignified Clergyman with the Chancellor. The Words in the Canon ; "`. That all filch Cati- fes (hall be heard by the Bifhop in Perfoa, or with the Afflftance of his Chancellor, or Corn- ' miffary ; or if the Bilhop's Occafions will not permit, then by his Chancellor, or Cominiffary," and two-grave dignified,_ or bereficed.Minifters ' of the Diocefs, to be affigned bythe Bifhop un- der his epifcopal Seal ; who (hall hear and cenfure ;che iàid Caufe in the Canfiftóry.' Neal, i