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Y 96 Mr. N E A L'S IId Vol. of the Neal, ibid. Canon 15. Of furifdiaions. The Title, ' Touching concurrent JurifdiEtions.' Neal, p. 353. When thefe Canons were made publick, they were generally diked, feveral Pam - phlets wereprinted againfi them, and difperfed among the People. * ' Thefe were the Canons (lays Nalfon) which occafion'd afterwards fuch great Debates, and fo much Perfecution to the Bithops, and loyal part of the Clergy, who were accufed of a Defign to bring in Popery, Superflition, and Innovations ' into the Church ; though nothing is more evident, than that whatfoever their other Faults were, in thefe Canons, one of their greateft Crimes was ' their endeavouring for ever to fhut the Doors ' againft Prefbytery, Profanenefs, and that Deluge ' of Innovations and Errors which at the fame time invaded and overthrew both Church and State ; and if they were under Miftakes, it was not in their Intention. But the greateft Offence, and wherein they had exceeded the Limits of their Power, was the grantingof this Benevolence or Contribution to afft his Majefty againft the rebel- ' lious Covenanters in Scotland, whofe Principles and Proceedings were now fo very dear to the now prevailing Party in the Parliament, that to op- pofe them was a Sin unpardonable.' Neal, p. 358. Three confiderable Divines of a very different Character died about this time ; Mr. John Ball educated in Brazen-Not College Oxon, &c. He was a learned and pious Man, deferving as high Efleern (lays Mr. Baxter) as the bejl Bifhop in Eng- land, &c. Though he lived and died a NonconformV, he was againf a Separation, and writ againf Mr. Can, andMr. Robinfon, upon that head. His lafl Work, entitled, A Stay againft Straying, was fub- Yadfom's Colleéìion, Vol, I, p, 162, fc'`ibed