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198 Mr. Nl AL'sIIIV01.ofthe Men tell us) in force publick Treatife, had he ' lived but a little longer. For all this, he died abundantly fatisfied in the juftnefs of that Caufe, which he fo well defended againft Separation.' His Treatife, intituled, Afriendly Treatife of the Grounds tending to Separation. In a plain and mo- de fl: Dfnute touching the Láwfulnefs of a Hinted Li- turgy, and fet Form of Prayer, Communion in mix'd Afenablies, and the primitive Subj'e and faroRecep- tacle of the Power of the Keys. Tending to fatisfy the Doubtful, recall the Wandring, andftrengthen the Weak., By John Ball. Printed at Cambridge by Roger Daniel, 1640. 4°. Shews him to be a Man of a quite different Spirit from the Prefbyterians of thole times,, not excepting the five noted Presby- terian Divines, who fubfcribcd his laft Work. Neal., p. 361., We are now entering upon the Pro- ceedings of the Long Parliament, &c. The Members were made up chiefly of Country Gentlemen, who bad nó. Attachment to the Court, &c. Mr. Echard iifi- ivates fume unfair Methods of EleÉtions, which might be true on both fides. Lord' takes notice, ' That force s. Men., who fix Months before were obferved to c. be of very moderate Tempers, and to with, that ", gentle Remedies might be applied, without ope- ning the Wound too wide, or expofng it to the ' Air,, and rather to cure what was amifs, than too ' ftri tly to make InquifLion into the Caufes and ' Original of the Malady, talk'd now in. another Diale61, both. of Things and Perlons, and faid; That they mull: now be of another Temper,, " than they, were the laft Parliament; that they muff not only fweep.the Houle clean below, but muff pull down all the Cobwebs which hung in. S'' the Top, :and. Corners, that they might not çlarendan,. Vol. I. p. r36,, 46 breed.