Hifìoryofthe Puritans, examin'd. z 99 " breed Duft, and fo make the Houle foul here- " after ; that they had now at opportunity to " make their Country happy, by removing all " Grievances, and pulling up the Caufes of them " by the Roots,if all Men would do.their Duties." And ufed much other fharp Difcourfe to the fame purpofe ; by which it, was difcerned, that the warmeft and boldeft Counfels and Overtures would find a much better Reception, than thofe of a more temperate Allay ; which fell out aç- cordingly.' And Mr. Echard, * ' That fcarce a Seé`iary in London but had, before the Meeting of the Par- ' liament, furnifhed himfelf with Arms, to ferve ' each Boy in his Houle, and many Porters Loads of Mufkets had been feen carried in the Evenings into the Houles of Men notorioufly difaffe&ed, who convey'd both Arms and Libels, printed at the publick Charge, to their Country Affociates. ' Nor durft the Lord Mayor make Inquifition, for fear of being accounted an Enemy to the Peace of the Kingdom, then difcompofed with Fears and. Jealoufies of Papifts, and other Enemies. Then, at the Eleéions they fhew'd the utmoft Skill and Diligence, and rode from County to County, with that Succefs, that the Earl of Warwickwrote from Tork, to his Friends in Effex, that the Game was well begun. But the Danger of the true Re- ' ligion was molt of all cried up, and had a pro- ' digious Influence upon the inferior fort. Of this '. Mr. Hampden was }ufty fenfible, when, in anfwer ' to a private Friend, who aged him, why, they pretended Religion, when Liberty, Property, and temporal Matters were the chief Ends ? he, replied, ' Should we not sift the Pretence of Religion, the People would not be perfuaded to aiiif us. For this, 4. reafon, they exclairn'd againft any who belong'd Ira II p i 89.