204 Mr. NEAL'S IIa Vol. of the him, within two Days after, [Reliq. Sacr. Carol. p. 3.] there to explain, or rather to retra61 fo harth a Title, calling them afterwards by the Name of his SubjeEs of Scotland, as he ufed to do ; which gave the Commons fuch a Senfe of their Power, and of his Compliance, that they refolved to husband both, to their belt advan- tage, and not fo eafily part with their Friends of Scotland, as his Majefty hoped they would.' Neal, ibid. The Houfes petitioned his Majefly, to appoint a Faft for a Divine Bleffing upon their Coun- fels, which was obferved November 17. The Reve- rend Mr. Marfhal and Mr. Burgefs preached before the Commons ; the Sermons were long, but delivered with a great deal of Caution. The Houfes gave them Thanks, and a Piece of Plate for their Labours. And no doubt, (in Mr. Neal's Opinion) they very well deferv'd it : ' The Scope and Drift of both thefe Sermons, (lays Nalfon, Vol. I. p. 53o.) was, by confent between them, levelled at the fame Mark, which was a holy Covenant ; which, in the Epiftle Dedicatory, they affirm is the Sum of both their Sermons. He fays, it was fufpi- cious, that notwithftanding all their fair Pre - ' fences, with which they covered their Defigns, they were now poffeffed of thofe Refolutions, of reforming after the Model of Scotland, by Extir- ' pation of Epifcopacy, Root and Branch.' One Expreffion in Burgefs's Sermon : ' 5th, Con- ' fider that the Devil himfelf will have a Covenant with all his Vaffals, that expedt any extraordi- nary Matters from him ; there is not a Witch, ' that hath the Devil at her Beck, but the muff feal a Covenant with him, fometimes with her Blood.' Neal, p. 368. .Among the Grievances of Re- ligion, one of the ,firfI things that came before the ;ifoufe, was the lylls and Canons of the late Convo- cation.