Flijioryof the Puritans, examin'd. 207 Neal, p. 373. To return to the Parliament, it was argued againft the late Convocation, That they were no legal AJfembly after the DijOlutionof the Par- liament ; that his Maieftyhad no more power to conti- nue them, than to recall his Parliament. The Archbifhop in anfwer obferves, * e That it ' is not againft Law, that he knows ; for we are (fays he) called to fit in Convocation, by a diffe- rent Writ from that, which called us as Bithops to Parliament. Andwecould not rife till his Ma- , jefty fent us another Writ to difcharge us; and this is well known to the Judges, and the other Lawyers here prefent : So we continued fitting, tho' the Parliament rofe. Nor was this Sitting continued by any Advice, or Delire of mine For I humbly defined a Writ to diffolve us; but the belt Counfel then prefent, both Judges and other Lawyers, affured the King we might le- , gaily fit, and here is a Copy attefted under their Hands : t The Convocation being called by the King's Writ under the great Seal, doth continue until it be ditlolvedby Writ, or Cow/zillion, under the Great Seal, notwithftanding the Parliament be difiolved,' 14 March, I 64o. Jo, Finch. C. S. H. Manchefler. John Bramflon. Edward Littleton. Ralph Whitfield, JohnBankes. Rob. Heath. Neal, p. g75. ft was objelled againft the Sixth Canon, That it impofed a newOath upon the Subject, * Trial and Troubles, p. Az. t Trial and Troubles, p. 80. Synch.; Anglicana, p. j3.; N 1'a , VoL. L 3361, whicb