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2 I O Mr. N E A L'S I1d Vol, 0. f the proper Canons fince the Reformation. Some Wri- ters have fuggefted, that their Invalidity arifes ' from their paffing in Convocation, fitting after the Parliament: But this cannot be a Reafon in the true Conftitution of Parliaments and Synods, which 6 may certainly a t independently on one another.' Neal, ibid. The Earl of Briftol had acquainted the Houle of Lords, ''hat the Scotch Commoners had prefented fome Papers againft the Archbifhop of Can- terbury. P. 379. The farfl Branch of their Charge confifted of divers Alterations in Religion, impofed up- on them without Order, and again/ Law, contrary to the Form eflabl?/h'd in their Kirk ; as his enjoining the Bops to appear in the Chappel in their Whites. * ` They fay, I enjoin'd wearing of Whites, &c. Surely I underftood myfelf a great deal better, ' than to enjoin where I have no Power ; perhaps I might exprefs that which his Majefty commanded me, when I was Dean of his Majefty's Chappel here ; and his Majefty's exprefs Command was, " that I fhould take that Care upon me, that the Chappel there, and the Service, fhould be kept anfwerable to this as much as might be, and that the Dean fhould come to Prayers in this Form, as likewife other Bthops when they came hither let my Letters be (hewn, whether there be any other enjoining than this,, and this way.' 'Veal, ibid. His directing the Service to be read in the Chappel twice a Day. t ' For the Direction for reading the Engle Service, it was no other than his Majefty corn- " manded me to give : And I hope it is no Crime for a Bithop in England, by his Majefty's Corn- , mand, to fignify to a Bithop in Scotland, what his pleafure is for divine Service in his own Chap- pel. if Trial and Troubles, p. 89. t Id. Ib. Neal,