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Hif7ory ofthe Puritans, examin'd. 211 Neal, ibid. His ordering a Lift of thole Counfel- lors and Senators of the College of yuflice, who did not communicate in the Chappel, according to a Form not receiv'd in their Kirk, to befont up to him, inor- der to their beingpunifh'd. * I writ nothing in this but what I was exprefsly commanded by his Majefty : And the Thing it- ' felf is no more, than if his Majefty fhould corn- ' mand all his Judges and Counfellors here, once in ' the Year at leaft, to receive the Communion in ' his Chappel at Whitehall. And if you fay it is more, becaufe it was to communicate in fuch a Form as was not receiv'd in the Church of Scot- ' land; under favour, that is not fo neither. For this Form here fpoken againft, was to receive it ' kneeling: And to receive the Sacrament kneeling, ' was an Article of the Synodof Perth, made in a General embly, and confirmed by Ac? ofParlia- ' ment, böth then in force, when my Letters were written. And therefore either this Form was re- ' ceiv'd in their Kirk, which is here denied, or ' elfe there was little Obedience in their Kirk, and ' Kirk-Men, either to General Afembly, or Parlia- ' ment.' Neal, ibid. His prefumptuous ceyfuring the Prac- tice of the Kirk, in falling fometimes, on the Lord's Day, as appetite to Chriftianity. t ' As for the Cuftom in Scotland ofFailing on the Lord's Day, (fays the Archbifhop) it is not ' only fometimes, as is here exprefs'd, but conti- nually ; when they have any folemn Fall, the Lord's Day is the Day for it. And if I did write, that it was oppoftte to Chriftianity itfelf, I doubt it is too true. For it is againft the practice of 6 the whole Church of Chrift : and that which is fo, * Troubles and Trials, p. 91. t /b. P. 9:. P 2 ' muft