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21 2 Mr. N E A LAS 11d Vol. of t& '. mufl: oppofe Chriftianity itfeif. And this I find ;; that as. Apoftolical univerfal Tradition fettled the Lord's Day for holy and publick Worfhip; ío from the very Apoftles times, the fame general Tradition hath in all times accounted it unlawful ' to fait upon that Day. And if an ordinary Fait were not lawful on that Day, much lets was a fo- lemn. Nor is there any Thing more clear in all Antiquity. For in the Cánons of the Apoftles (which if they be not theirs, are very antient) ifa Prieft, did faft upon the Lord's Day, he was to be depofed ; and if a Layman, he was to be excom- municated. And Saint Ignatius tells tïs, if any Man fait upon the Lord's Day, he is Chrift's In- ' terfec7or, a'Murtherer of Chri7 ; and that I am fure is againft Chriftianity itfelf. ertutlian pro- ' feffes it is altogether unlawful. The Council of Gangra held Ann. 324. decreed againft it, and fet ' an Anathema upon it; and that not.,only when ' it was done in contempt of the Day, but alfo though it be done as a Help to Continency. And ' Saint 'Hilary agrees with this, and calls it not a ' Cuftom, but a Conftitution ; fuch a Conftitution, as that ifany Man (hall advifedly, and on fet pur= pore, fait on the Lord's Day, by the Decree of ' the fourth Councirof Carthage, he fhould not be accounted .a Cathelicb,. And `they muff needs dd it advifedly and of fet purpofe, who. appoint à publick fólemn Fait' upon that Day, and, then keep it. And this was lo ftruly , obferved id ' Saint' flmbrofe's Tirne; that it.was not held lawful ' to faft upon that Day, no not in Lent. Nay, he 4 goes farther, and fays' exprefsly, if any Mari make a Law or give a Command for fatting on the 'Lord's Day, he believes not in the Refurrec= tion of Chriff. And°is not this oppofite. to Chri= ' ftianity itfèlf? With'him Saint Augufin joins very fully; and 6i-ft lays, 'cis à great Scandal : Then 'he