gifiory ofthe Puritans, examin'd. 2r3 he gives the Reafon of it ; becaufe Chrift join'd '6 mourning, with falling, which becomes not this Day ; unlefs Men think 'tis fit to be forry that Chrifl is rifen from the Dead. And this I am fure is oppofite to Chriftianity itfelf: For if Chrift be not rifen, then is our Preaching vain, and your Faith is alto vain. After this, he afics this Que -_ flion, Who dolh not offend God, if with the Scan- dal of the whole Church of Chr, he willfait upon the Lord's Day ? I will not go lower down, this is enough, if any thing be. Yet this I will add, that as this fattingonSunday was anciently prohi- bited fo was it never pradifed of old, but by notorious and profefl;'ed Hereticks ; as by the Ma- nichees, who appointed that Day for falling, and were juftly condemn'd for it; and by Aerians, who tatted on Sunday, and featled on Fridays. And by the Prifcillianifts, whom Saint Auguftin therefore calls the Imitators of the Manichees, and fo they are indeed for neither of them believ'd, that our blefed Saviour was a true Man ; and therefore regarded not the Day of his Refurrec- Lion, as appears in Saint Leo. And as againft theft. the Council held at Cæfar Augufia, Ann. 381. provided, fo before, Ann. 324. the Coun- cil Of Gangra, made their Canot againft EutaSus the Armenian Monk, and his ground was Pre= tence of Abflinence, as if he could never fait enough. This is enough, and all this within the compafs of the Primitive Church ; which cer- tainly if there Men did not fcorn, they would ne- ver have urged this againft me' And now I defire to know from Mr. Neal him- felf, where the PreQamption lay, in cenfiaring the PraEtice of his dear kirk of Scotland for fatting on the Lord's Day, as oppofite to Chrifianity? Mr. Neal has given us all the Objeftions of the Scots againft the Archbilhop, and I am fo oil, fa- P 3 íhioned