214 Mr. N E A L 'S ITd V01. of the Ihioned a Perlon, as to think, that the Archbifhop's Anfwers to their ObjeEtions íhould likewife have been produced by an impartial Hiftorian. Neal, ibid. His obtaining Warrants for the fit- ting of the High- CommonCourt once aWeek at Edin- burgh. * ' This was not (lays the Archbifhop) of my ' procuring. A Scotchman of good place, was em- ' ploy'd about it from the Bifhops, and effeaed it, and I could name him ; but fince it is here charged as a Fault I (hall accule no Man elfe, but defend myfeif. But for the eftablithing of that Court in that Kingdom, that was done long before I was a Bifhop, or had any thing to do in the Publick. For it appears by one of the great- ' eft Fat ion s in that Kingdom, [Calderwood Al- ' tar. Damafc. p. 28.] That the High-Commifion Court was fettled, and in full execution in the Church of Scotland in the Year 161o. when all Men know, I led a private Life in Oxford; by which it is more than manifeft, that I neither was, or could be Author of this pretended Novation, or any Difturbances that followed from it.' Neal, ibid. His directing the taking down of Gal- leries and Stone-Walls in the Kirks of Edinburgh, and St. Andrews, to make way for Altars, and Ado- ration towards the Eafl. -f- As for the taking down of the Galleries of St. Andrews, to the utermoft of my Memory, I neither gave Command or Direaion, nor can it Rand with any hew of Probability, that I íhoud command the taking down of Galleries in St. An- drews, where I had nothing to do, and let Galle- ries Rand in fo many Churches in London, and other Parts of my Province, where I had Power, * Troubles and Tria?, p. 94, t I6. p. 96.