Grey - BX9329 G7 1736

Hifioy of the Puritans, examzn'd. a they are fo backed and upholden by divers great Courtiers. It is a furer and better way to remove the Materials of Fire, before they be kindled, ' than to quench the Fire when once it is kindled. 4 I do not mean by this, to move you to make ftronger Laws, than are already made, but fee ' thofe Laws may be well executed that are in force, ' otherwife they cannot but fall into contempt, andbecome rutty, &c. As for Recufants, let them all be duly prefent- ' ed without Exception: for in Times part, there ' bath been too great a Connivance, and forbear- ' ing of them, efpecially of great Mens Wives, and their Kin and Followers. None ought to be (pared from being brought under the Danger of the Law, and then it is my part to ufe Mercy, as I think convenient.' Inhis firft Speech to his Parliament the 19th of March 1603, before he had been provoked by that hellifh Confpiracy, formed againft him by the. Paps; he plainly difcovers the fmaIl Affection he bore to that Religion. Of * one Thing I would have the Papfs of this Land to be admonifhed, That they prefume not fo much upon my Lenity (becaufe I would be loth to be thought a Perfecutor) as thereupon to 4 think it lawful for them daily to increare their Number and Strength in this Kingdom, whereby if not in my time, at leaft in the time of my Po- fterity, they might be in hopes toereé their Reli- gion again. No, let them affure themfelves,that as ' 1 am a Friend to their Perfons, if they be good s Subjeds;fo Iam a vowed Enemy,and dodenounce ' mortal War to their Errors ; and that as I would be forry to be driven by their ill Behaviour from the Proteáion and Confervation of their Bodies King7(0710 Works, t. 492. and