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1; a8 Mr. NEAL'S It' Vol. of the Oxford, the Lord Cecil of Efingden, Principal Se- cretary to his Majefty, and Chancellor of the g Univerfity of Cambridge, Lords of his Majefty's moil Honourable Privy-Council' We have next a Specimen of this Gentleman's great Accuracy in Hiftory, who tells us, Neal, p. to. (from Strype's Life of Whitgift, Append. N°. 43.) That the old Zrchbifhop was doubtful of the Event, for in one of his Letters to Cecil Earl of Sa- lisbury, he writes, &c. Cecil was not at that time Earl of Salisbury, but Lord Vifcount Cranburn, and created Earl of Salis- bury * upon the Feaft of St. George, at Greenwich, 1604. and the miftake is not Mr. Strype's, but Mr. Neal's, as appears from the Place referred to in Strype's Whitgift, App. Book4. N°. 43. p. 23o. The Title of this Letter : ' The Archbifhop of Canterbury to Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, cons cerning the Endeavours of the Puritans,, with the c King, and his own Diligence in behalf of the Church, December 12, 1603! His next Attempt is to difcredit the rnoít authen- tic Relation that is extant, of the Hampton -Court Conference. Neal, Ibid. The Divines for the Church appear-'d in the Habits of their refpective Dillinitions, but tho é° for the Puritans, in their Furr Gowns, like Turky- Merchants. -f- ' The Bifhop of London in his Remark upon g their Habit, alledged a place out ofM. Cart- ' Wright, affirming, that we ought rather to corr- ' form ourfelves in Orders and Ceremonies to the ' Fashion of the Turks, than to the Paps, which Pofition he doubted, they approved, becaufe, ' contrary to the Order of the Univerfities, they * Sanford's Genealogical Hitt. of the Kings ofEngland. p. 5z3. Peerage of England, Vol. i. p. 198. t Barlow's Sum and Subítance of the Conference, &c. p. 27. appeared