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Hijlory of fthe Puritans, examin'd. 2 ' to take the firft Tonfure. Whitgift was one of thefe, being this Year 1557, Malter of Arts; and forefeeing his Danger, not only of Expulfion out ' of the Univerficy, but further of his Life, f nce he ' could not comply with what would be required: he refolved with himfelf to leave the College and depart abroad, and fojourn among the famous Exiles in Strasburgh, Frankfort, or other Places in Helvetia, or elfewhere.' Dr. Perne the Malter underftanding Whitgift's Purpofe, and obferving him fixed in his Religion, by the many good Arguments he ufed, he had him keep his own Counfel; and by no means ut- ter his Opinion whereby he might be brought into queftion, and he would conceal him, with- ' out incurring any Danger to his Confcience in that Vifitation, nor being forced to leave his Studies.' Neal, p. 26. He was a fevere Governor of the Church, 1 rung Conformity with great Rigour ; he regarded neither the Intreaties ofpoor MinUters, nor the Interceon of Courtiers, but was heady to the Laws, and outwent them in the Caufe of Uniformity. Fuller fags, he would give fair Words andgood Lan- guage, but would abate nothing. And Fuller lays*, ' That he was the worthieft Man that ever the Eng'/.i Hierarchy did enjoy.' Dr. Hutton Archbifhop of Ï%Irk, a moderate Man, in a Letter to the Bifhop of Durham, fpeaks of hint as follows (; ' That many no doubt might and did ' lament, that his Majefty had loft a faithful and good Counf'ellor, the Church a great and notable ' Pillar and Patron, and himfelf had fpecial Caufe ' to forrow for the want of fuch an ancient, con- ' Rant and dear Friend. And Dr. Babington Bifhop * Church Hillory, Book x. p.27. j Life of Whitgift, p. 579. c of