4©4 Mr. N ß A L'S III Vol. of the Neal, ibid. i1nd did not his Majefty yield to the new Laws, with a manifeft Reluctancy ? Did he not afett to call them ASs of Grace ? And what if he did ? they were in reality fo, as his too many Concef ions, which paved a Way to his Deftruction, manifeftly fhowed. Neal, ibid. Bifop Burnet, in his IIiflory of his Life and Times, fays, That his Majefly never came into his Conceffions feafonably, nor with a good Grace ; all appeared to be extorted from him, and there were Grounds to believe, that he intended not to (land to them any longer, than he lay under that Force that vi/ibly drew them upon him, contrary to his own In- clinations. If the acme individual Bifhop Burnet has elfe- where contradidted this, I hope he will allow, that his Opinion in this place ought to Band for no- thing. In one of his Books, he (peaks as follows : * ' 1 (hall not engage farther between the King and the two Houfes, than to fhew, that his Majefty had the Law clearly on his fide, finceiie not only contented to the Redrefs of all Grievances, for which the leaft Colour of Law was alledged, but had allo yielded to larger Conceffions, to fecure the Fears of the Subject, than had been granted by all the Kings of England fince the Conqueft ; ydt their Demands were unfatisfied, unlefs his Majefty had contented to the abolifhing Epifco- pacy., and the Difcharge of the Liturgy ; which neither the Laws of Fn,,,,land, nor his Confcience allowed of fo that the following War cannot be laid to have gone on the Principles ofdefending Religion, fince his Majefly was invading no part of the eftablifhed Religion. And in Scotland his Maieily had fettled all Matters to their Hearts defire ; and by many frequent and folemn Decla- $ifoo Su;: fr _ I;oar Cac.crenes, printed at Glafgow, p. 14, f rations,