406 Mi. NEAL'S lid Vol.ofthe tention of their Leaders was agaïnft both the Mo- narch and Monarchy, as has, I think, already been fufficiently proved. Mr. Echard informs us, That among the Enemy's Baggage at Edge- ' hill, were taken the Letters of one Blake in the King's Army, who duely gave Intelligence of what paffed to the other Party, and particularly in what part of the Army the Kingfought, that they might better aired their Bullets at fo illuf- trious a Mark ; for which Treachery, he was ' hanged on the next Tree.' Lord Hollis indeed obferves, t ,' That in paling of Fairfax's Corn- ' million, they made their firft plain Difcoverr of 6 their Intention concerning the Perfon of the King; for with a great deal of Violence and Earneftnefs they preffed it, and carried it, That the Care of the Prefervation of his PerlinJhould be left out ; and that this Army fhould go out in the name of the Parliament alone, and not of $ King and Parlia- ' ment, * Echard's Hiftory of England, Vo1.1I. p.353. See a Tra& in3 tied, Veritas inconcuffa, by Fabian Phillips, p. 79.' Pref bierian Unmask'd, p. 107. Symmons's Vindication of Icing Charles I. p. 143 j- Lord Hollis's Memoirs, p. 34. II The Comm tilìrn granted to Fairfax, Die Veneris, t4 Junü, ,6so. (the Original f1,ll in being, and in the Cuftody of Dr. Philip Williams, Prefident ofSt. John's College, Cambridge) from the Rump Parliament; had he complied with it, (as I am not fire whether he did or no) would have proved, that he was capable of raking a Cornmilliion, upon the Terms mentioned by Lord Hollis, or any other Terms whatfoever. If we may be- lieve Ludlow, [Memoirs, Vol. I. p. 3 r6] he had a Petition of s000 I. per Annum,, after he gave up his Commiflion. In the Commillion granted ro the Earl of Effex, to be Ge- neral of the Parliament Forces, are the following Words: The Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, ac- cording to the Duty and Truf' which was upon them, (for Prevention of thofè great Mifchiefs, and Prefervation of the Safety of his Majeffy's Perlon, the Peace of the Kingdom, and Defence of the Parliament) have refolved and ordained, that an Army be forthwith railed; and that the Train'd-Bands, and other