Grey - BX9329 G7 1736

H ory ofthePuritans, examin'd. 407 ' ment, as it was before under my Lord Effix, who would not otherwife have meddled with it. But this General made no Bones, took it, and thank'd them ; refolved, it Items, to do whatfoever thefe his MaJlers íhould bid him.' 'Twas this famous Parliament, that in 1647. voted, That no?ïarther Addreffes fhould be made to the King, upon his Refufal to fign four Bills, abfolutely deftrudive of his Sovereignty. ' Which Proceeding (lays BifhoR * Kennet) was of fuch infinite Scandal to all indif ferent People, who had yet Reafon, and a Con- fcience left within them, that Difcontents and ' Murmurs grew very high, and many Pamphlets were now publifhed, that (hewed the Parliament ' to be the great Grievance of the Nation ; fuch as, the Parliament's T'en Commandments, &c. An- ' other intitled, 2'he New Teftament of our Lords andSaviours, the Houfe of Commons,fittingat Weft- ' minfter ; and feveral others : the Parliament in ' vain burning the Books, and bidding Money for ' the Difcovery of the Authors of them.' But how defirous of Peace the King was, the Conclufion of his Letter to the Prince, (in which he gives an Account of the Treaty in the lfle of Wight) which Bifhop Kennet fays, -{- del; ryes to be preferved in Letters of Gold, plainly difcovers. By what has been laid, you fee how long we have laboured in the fearch of Peace : do not you be difheartened to tread in the fame Steps. other Forces of the Kingdom, he put into a Pofture and Con- . dition, fir to oppofe and refift any Force or Infurrra on by Papifis, or i11-á .&ed Perlons, againit the publick Peace and ' Laws of the Kingdom, however countenanced by any pre- ' tended Commiffion from his Majefly. Mr. Peck's Defderata Cnrinfa, Vol. II. Lib. 8. p. 35-. publifhed 1735-. * Compleat Hiftory of England, Vol. llI. p. i59. . Ibid. p,..t65. !1 Id. ib. Dd4 'L1fe