4.I 2 Mr. N E A L S Ty,' Ty ofthe Matters, created Envy againft them. He was a paffionate Lover of his Queen, fond of his Chil- dren, and kind to his Servants. He fpake feve- ral Languages very well, and with a fingular good Grace : he wrote a tolerable Hand for a King: his Senfe was ftrong, and his Stile Laconic. I have feen feveral Pieces of his own Hand, and therefore may the better affirm, that both for Matter and Form, they furpafs thofe of his ableft Minifters, and come nothing íhort of Strafford, t or Faulkland, the two celebrated Pens of that Time. As to his Religion, he was a Proteftant, in the llri&eft Senfe of the Church of England, and for the divine Right of Epifcopacy.' * Bithop Kennet informs us, e That Mr. Alexan- ' -der Henderfon, Minifter of the Word of God at ' Edinburgh, and chief Commifioner from the Kirk of Scotland, to the Parliament and Synod of i England, made a folemn Declaration upon his Death-bed, grounded upon the Experience he had in converting and dilputing Matters of Reli- ' gion with the King ; wherein he prays for the good King's being reftored to his juft Rights ; and among other things, Pays thus : I do de- " clare before God and the World, that fnce I " had the Honour and Happinefs to converfe, and « to confer with his Majefty, with all forts of Free- " dom, efpecially in Matters of Religion, whether in relation to the Kirk or State, that I found " him the molt intelligent Man that ever I fpoke « with, as far beyond my Expreffion as ExpeCta- 6G tion. I profefs, that I was oftentimes aftonifh'd with the Solidity and Quicknefs of his Reafoning " and Replies, and wondred how He, fpending his * Compleat Hiftory of England, Vol. III. p. 174. Life of Mr. John Sage, p. 71. See likewife a Tra&ì, intitled, Indepen- dents Loyalty; or, The moll Barbarous Plot tQ murder his moll Sacred Majefly, p. 19. Printed 1648. d' Time