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H1ory ofthe Puritans, examin'd. 4z3 " Time in Sports and Recreations, could have at- 46 tain'd fo great a Knowledge ; and muft confefs " ingenuoufly, that I was convinced in Confcience, " and knew not how to give him any reafonable SatisfaEìion ; yet the Sweetnefs of his Difpofition is fach, that whatever I Paid was well taken. I muft fay, that I never met with any Difputant of that mild and calm Temper ; which convinced " me the more, and made me think, that fuch " Wifdom and Moderation could not be without an extraordinary Meafure of Divine Grace. I " have heard much of his Carriage towards the " Priefts in Spain ; and that King lames told the " Duke of Buckingham, upon his going thither, " That he durit venture his Son Charles with all the Jefuits in the World, he knew him to be fo well grounded in the Proteflant Religion; but could " never believe it before. I obferved all his Ac- " tions, More particularly thofe of Devotion, " which I muff truly fay, are more than ordi- nary. If I ihould fpeak of his Juftice, Magna - nimity, Charity, Sobriety, Chaftity, Patience, " Humility, and of all his both Chriftian and 'i Moral Virtues, I ihould run myfelf into a Pane- " gyric, and feem to flatter him, to fuch as do not " know him ; if the prefent Condition I lie in, did not exempt me from any Sufpicion of worldly " Ends, when I expe& every Hour to be called . from all tranfitory Vanities to eternal Felicity ; 4C and the difcharging my Confcience before God 'b and Man, did not oblige me to declare the Truth limply and nakedly, in fatisfation of that I " have done ignorantly, altho' not altogether in- CC nocently." * ' Mr. Vines, a very celebrated Man (fays Mr. E Cart) among thePresbyterians, in theTime of the Rebellion ; of whofe Sentiments of King Charles, The Trif!, Mef¡acre I'll in a true Light, p, 43, after