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414. Mr. N E A L 'S IIa Vol. of the after the Treaty of Uxbridge, [Ifle of Wight] take this Account, as it was given about the Year 1675, by Mr. Nathaniel Gilbert of Coventry, in 6 an Information fubfcribed by his own hand ; the Original whereof, is in the Cufrody of my Father now living in Leicetter, and Minifter ofthe Church of St. Martin's there, to whofe Grandmother the faid Nathaniel Gilbert was Half-Brother ; and what I here publifh, is taken from an attefted Copy of it, now before me. When Mr. Vines returned from the Treaty of 6 Uxbridge, [ lfle of Wight] Mr. Walden being at London with Mr. Nathaniel Gilbert, News was brought to them, that Mr. Vines was returned ; whereupon they both went to Mr. Vines, who, after ufüal Ceremonies between Friends, faid, with great Affeaion, Brother Walden, how hath this Nation been fool'd ? We have been told, that 6 our King is a Child, and a Fool ; but if I under- , ftand any thing by my Converfe with him, which I have had with great Liberty, he is as much of a Chriftian Prince, as ever I read, or heard of, fence our Saviour's Time. He alfo faid, He is a very precious Prince, and is able of himfelf to argue with the ableft Divines we. have. Among the other things affirmed by Mr. Vines, my Fa- ther well remembers, Mr. Gilbert told him this Exprefïion of his, in relation to the King, viz. That among all the Kings of Ifrael and Judah, there was none like him.' The next Evidence I íhall produce, is William Lilly, the famous Republican Almanack- Maker, who tho' he juftifies the King's Murder, yet in the fame Tra&, * intitled, Monarchy or no Mo- narchy in England, printed 165 t. (p. 83.) gives this Charaé%er of the King : ' That he had many ungular Parts in Nature, was a good Mathema- * Penes me. tician,