SI NCE this Anfwer to Mr. Neal was fini(hed, two Complaints made by the DijJenters, a- gainft the Church of England, occurr'd to me ; which, tho' they are in one refpec`1 foreign to the purpofe of Mr. Meal's Book, as not falling within his Period, nor do I charge him with them ; yet as they have been frequently urged, both in Print and Difcourfe, (tho' as frequently anfwer'd) and as they retie& much upon our eftablifh'd Church, I fha]l prefume upon the Reader's Patience, in taking a Review of them. And the firft of them is this: * ' That the Clergy ' eiedted in 1662, were required to declare their un= ' feigned Affent and Confent, to all and every thing ' contain'd and prefcrib'd in and by the Book, in- ' tided, The Book of Common- Prayer, and 4dmini- ' ftration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ce- ' remonies of the Church, together with the Pfalter ' or Pfalms of David, and the Form or Manner of ' Making or Ordaining Bops, Priefts, and Deer-. ' cons : and they muff alto (and that ex animo) fub- ' fcribe thefe Words ; That the BooE of Common- Dr. Calamy's Abridgment of Baxter's Life, chap. io. p. tot. The like Objeftion made by Mr. Ben. Robinjon againft Dr. Bennet's brief Hiftory of Liturgie$. See Bifhop Kennet's Regifter, &c. p. 741, E e 2 ' Prayer,