APPENDIX. 421 in all its Circumftances, I fhould beof that learned Gentleman's Opinion, that the Perfons ejected by the A& of Uniformity, had very hard Ufage. But upon Enquiry, I am apt to believe, that things will not appear to be quite fo bad as they are here reprefented; and tho' we have part of the Truth in this Objet.ion, yet force part of it is omitted, (not with defign, but for want of knowing better.) Now if I apprehend right, the Objeáì ion is attended with more Miftakes than one. For firft, I think it is in- finuated, that the Convocation were dilatory in their Proceedings, and that the Book came out of the Prefs but a fewdays before the 24th ofAuguft, the utmoft point of Time granted them to make their Subfcription in. Now as to the Convocation, we have it from very good Authority, that they had finifh- ed their Work long before that Date. * ' For ' their Progrefs therein, and the feveral Steps of it, will belt appear from the Aas of Convo- ' cation now printed, from the 25th Seffion, No- ' vember 21, 1661. in which they receiv'd the King's Letter, and Dire8ion to enter upon the g Review, to the 48th Seffion, December 20, 1661. e in which the Bithops and Clergy fubfcribed the Book. So that there was time fufficient left to ' print and publifh it before the 24th of .luguft.' And we find, by a publick Advertifement given in London, 4uguft 6, 1662, { ' That in purfu- ance of the late A& of Uniformity of Publick ' Prayers in the Church ofEngland, the Book itfelf is now perfe&ly and exa&ly printed; and by the ' great Care and Prudence of the molt reverend ' Archbifhops, and Bithops, Books in Folio are * Bifnop Gibjon's Codex, p. 314. Synodus Anglicana, Self. 48. p. 9s. Bithop Kennet's Regifter and Chronicle, enc. p. 643. Bithop Kennet's Regifter, &c. (from Mercurio$ Publicus, 4ta. No. 31.) P. 514. E e 3 provided