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422 APPENDIX. '. provided for all Churches and Chappels in the Kingdom.' So there were 18 Days left within the Period, a fufficient Time, one would imagine, to have convey'd them to the remoteft Parts of the Kingdom. But granting the Fa6t in this Particu- lar to be as reprefented, could Dr. Calamy ima- gine, that the Government would have been fo rigo- rous as to have taken advantage of a Neglect that was unavoidable; or to ufe hisown Words, That the Subfcription was as peremptorily required as the Declar?tion ? The Fad. is plainly otherwife, as he might have been convinced, by a bare Perufal of the fubfequent Paragraph in the At itfelf; which lodges a difcretionary Power with the Or- dinary, to enlarge the Time, if there was a Necef- fity for it. The Words as follow : ' And that ail and every filch Perfon (who foall withoutfame LwfulIm- pediment, to be allowed and approved of, by the Ordi. ' nary ofthePlace) negleEl or refufe to do thefame,with- in the Mme aforefaid, (Cr in cafe offach Impediment) within one Month after the Impediment is removed fhalt ipfo facto be deprived of all his fpiritual P o- ' motions.' So that where the Books could not be had in time, there was a longer Time to be gran- ted ; which was done, no doubt, by all the Bifhops where this Impediment happened, and where it was defined. One Inftance I meet with of this kind, from a Bifhop, who was as rigorous in preffing Confor- mity as any one ; and that was Dr. Laney, Bifhop of Peterborough, who dil enfed with the Dean and. Chapter of that Church, in purfuance ofthis Claufe of the Aa: of Uniformity, in the following Words.:. * Whereas by A& of Parliament made and prin- ted the prefent Year t662, for the Uniformity of r Publick Prayer, &c. it is ena&ted, among other ffi things, &c. and that every Perfon who (hall Reg. Decan. 8z Capitul. Petriburgenf. MSS. Bifhop Keno e3's Regifter and Chronicle, p, 743. (witlIQU