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APPENDIX. 423 (without fome lawful Impediment, to be allowed by the Ordinary of the Place) negie& or refufe to do the fame, within the Time aforefaid, íhall be, ipfo Pao, deprived of his fpiritual Promotion. And forafmuch as the Books of Common Prayer appointed by the Paid A& to be read, could not be gotten by the Dean and Prebendaries of the Church of Peterborough, (fo as they might read the fame in the laid Cathedral) before the 17th 4 of this inilant Augu(t, being the Sunday immedi- ately preceding the Feaft of St. Bartholomew; e upon which Day, it is not poffible that all the Members of the Paid Cathedral Church, lhould read the faid Service in Manner and Form, as is 4. by the faid AS directed : We therefore, by the Power given to us. by the laid AS, do allow and approve of the Paid Impediment, and do hereby declare it fo to be, for the not reading the Paid Service as dire&ed, and for not declaring their Confent, as is required in and by the laid SI, Sealed and Signed the 17th ofAugufl, 1661. B. Peterborough,, Nay, 'tis apparent, that the Government was in dined to be favourable to the Denters, from the following Order : * ' Ordered, That the Lords following are appointed to confider, and draw up a' Claufe, or Provifo, whereby it may be left to 6 the King, to make fuch Provifion, for fuch of the Clergy, as his Majefty Ihall think fit, who (hall be deprived of their Livings by the Ali of c Uniformity, and afterwards to make Report there- ` of to the Houfe. t ' Ib. Die Mercurii, 9 flpril, 1662. In the Houfe of Lords, the Earl of finglefea reported, Bifhop Kennet's Regifter, Vic. p. 65.6. f 1d. ib. e 4 That