424. APPENDIX. That the Committee have conlidered of a Provifo, That fuch Perlons as have been put out of their Livings, by virtue of the Ad of Uniformity, 6 may have fuch Allowances out of their Livings, 4 for their Subfiftence, as his Majefty Thall think 4. fit: The faid Provifo was read, and after fome Debate, a fewAlterations made therein ; and thy" Quef ion being put, Whether this Provifo, with the Amendments, fhall Rand in the Bill ? it was refolved in the Affirmative.' So that, upon the whole, it does not appear to me, that the f3ardfhip complain'd of was fo great as 'tis reprefented. The fecond Complaint, tho' it carries along with it a lefs Appearance of Truth, yet we have more Au- thorities for the Difproof of it. It was a Complaint made againft the Church of England by the Difen- ters ; That the Reafon why they made no better Fi- gure in the Popifh Controverfy, at the latter end of King Charles I1's Reign, and Beginningof King James's, was this, That the Licerifèrs of the Prefs abfolutely refufed to licenfe their Books. I defire the Reader will take the ObjeEtion in form, as made by one of their own Writers : * To crown all, we affirm, That the Church of England would not flier us to publfh what we had prepared, and refufed to licen%what little we didpublish on that Point, to wit, againfl Popery. And adds, That if he makes this good, the Seandal and Reproach will not lie on the Duenters, but on the Church of England ; tho' he's loth to judge fo hard as fore do, That the denying them Liberty to appear with Reputation in that ,Quar'- t Palmer's Vindication of the Learning, Loyalty, Morals, and moft Chriftian Behaviour of the Diflenters towards the Church of England, chap. 4. p. 3,.. as quoted by Mr. WeJlley, in his Reply to Palmer's Viadicacion, p. I. See Iíkewife Dr. Calamy's Abridgement of Baxter's Life, chap. tq,. pi 373. Benner's Memorial of the Reformation, &c. p. 40o. rel,