APPENDIX. 42S rel, was an ambitious Defagn of the Church, to exalt her own Honour, and ftifle theirs. How little Truth there is in this Obje6tion, the Reader, 1 hope, will be convinced, by the follow- ing Letters, from the Licenfers of the Prefs, to Dr. Waf r, juftifying themfelves from this Charge. Honoured Sir, It happens providentially, that when the publick Calumny you mention was thrown upon the Licenfers, under the late Arch- ' bifhop Sancroft, and my Lord of London, all of ' them fhould be living to vindicate themfelves, except the admirably learned Dr. Maurice; and ' what he knew of this matter, may be colleEled from the Preface of his excellent Anfwer to Mr. Clarkfon, in which he has thefe remarkable Words, evincing, that he faw none of the D/enters Wri- tings againft the Papi,Jts, at that critical Time [For God fake tell me, who maintain'd Proteftant Principles then, upon the Foundation of the Dif- ' fencers ? But the Serpent, and other venomous Vermin, are fubtiller than the other Beafts of the Field ; for in hard Weather, they are not to be found upon the Face of the Earth, but are crept into their Holes ; but when a warm Seafon comes, they crawl out, and fnap at the Heels of thofe ' that had endured the Severity of the Winter.') Dr. Ifham goes on : ' As to myfelf, the meaneft of the Number, I can fafely declare, that I re- ' member not fo much as one Book againft Popery amongft all the D/enters, that was brought to me, for my Hand, in the Reign of King lames. They gave indeed the Poll of Honour to the Clergy, who did not difgrace it in that critical Juncture ; and tho' I might lay afleep force Pieces written in this Controverfy, for the Imprudence Wef,;ley's Reply to Palmer's Vindication, p. p;. Presbyte- rian Prejudice dfplay'd, in Anfwer to Mr. Benjamin Rennet's Zvlemoriai of the Reformation, p. 8'. 6 of