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426 APPENDIX of them, yet I am fure I never rejected any one, ' becaufe the Author was a Diffenter ; and fome of the Bookfellers of that Side may do me the Ju- ' ftice CO teftify, that I licenfed feveral Books of other Arguments, which carne from Diffenters, ' and that I never made any Objection or Diffe- rence in this Cafe. I confefs, by my Lord's ear- ' ly Sufpenfion, (for his great Services to the Church of England) I was foon difabled from ' intermeddling in this Affair ; but I had the Ho- ' nour to be of his Family almoft a Year before ' it ; and in that fpace gave fufficient Offence, by ' Iicenfing the eminent Bifhop Stillinzfleet's Anfwer to the King's Papers, and refuting Dr. Cart- ' wiright's infamous Sermon for the difpeníi:ng ' Power. The fame thanklefs Office I was reftored to at the Revolution, and did then as little pleafe fome powerful Men, who regarded me with an evil Eye. And that, Sir, which I delire you to gather from hence, is, that in both Reigns I difcharged my Trutt with Integrity ; and there- ' fore you may rely, with greater Confidence, on ' this Account, from, Sir, Your moft obedient Servant, Z. Jfhanr, Dr, Afton was his Brother Chaplain, whole Te- ftimony is as follows. Reverend Sir, * ' In anfwer to yours, this is to acquaint you, that I was Chaplain to my Lord Bifhop of Lon- don, from the Year 1683, to the Year 1696. and that I don't remember that any one Book Wefiley againit p. was