Grey - BX9329 G7 1736

APPENDIX. 427 " was offered me for a Licenfe, by a Digènter from 4 the Church of England. Sir, London, March i 703-4. Your humble Servant, Charles ,lllon. * All being cleared at London Houle, (fays Mr. Weftley) we may venture over to Lambeth ; and we have Dr. Batteley's Certificate, in thefe Words : Canterbury, September i2, 1704. ' Reverend Sir, You are pleafed, in your Letter, to afk tie two Q2-1tions. Firft, How long I had the ho- nour to ferve his Grace of Canterbury, as his Chaplain ? I anfwer, From the Year 1688. 2dly, Whether in that time any Tracks againft Popery, written by the Difl`nters, were brought 6 to me, and refufed ; and what were the true Rea- G fons of refuting them? I anfwer, That I do not remember that any Tra& againft Popery was ever brought to me by any Diffenter, known by me to be fuck; but I very well remember, G that we at Lambeth, when the Controverfy had G lafted fume time, wondred we heard nothing from that Qáarter. As for thofe Books I refufed to licenfe, they were fuch, whofe Language was indifcreet, and their Arguments weak, and fo not likely to do a good Caufe either Credit or Service, but rather the contrary. And if any of the Diflnters Traits happen'd to be of that G Number, or of that Charaaer, (which may not be impefiî.ble) then they fared as the reit did. Id, p, But