Grey - BX9329 G7 1736

q.. 28 APPENDIX. But that any Book either in or out of that Con- ' troverfy wasever refufed a Licenfe by me, becaufe written by a Diffinter, is abfolutely falfe; and fo much you may, as you defire, let thofe who are concerned in this Calumny know, from, Reverend Sir, Your humble Servant, John Ratteley. Mr. Needham was the Other Chaplainat Lambeth, whole Letter follows in Mr. Wei ft+ley's Reply. ORober 25, 1705. I do hereby certify, That I had the honour to ferve the molt Reverend the Lord Archbithop Sancroft, as his domeflic Chaplain, from the be- ' ginning of the Controverfy, to the end of it; as it was managed by the Advocates for the Popp 4.. Religion, on one fide, and by the learned Mini- ' fters of the Church of England, as by Law efla- blifhed, on the other, during the Reign of the late King James II. In all which time, I do not remember, that ever I refufed to give Licenfe to any one Book written in that Controverfy, by any Diffenters from the faid Church, nor indeed that any one Book fo written, was ever offered to me to be licenfed. I never, that I know of, gave ' reafon to fufpec, that any fuch Book would have met with any Difficulty in obtaining from me any fuch Licenfe, as I ufually gave to others; I wifh'd, and expe&ed, but in vain, that fome learned Men among the Dßenters, would have given me the opportunity of fhowing how ready I fhould have been to have recommended to the Publick,