APPENDIX. 429 Publick, fuch part of the Defence of our Caufe againft our common Adverfaries, as they { hould ' have thought proper to have taken to themfelves, C in conjunction with our conforming Brethrrn, in that Time of Difficulty and Danger : but it was an Opinion prevailing amongft us, that they were under fuch * Engagements at that Time, as ' made it improper for them to interpofe in that Con- ' tentionfor our Religion. This is what, in due Re- ' gard to Truth, I think myfelf obliged to teftify under my Hand. William Needham, ReEtor of Arlesford. But Mr. Palmer proceeds to Particulars, in the following manner : f ' Whatever were the Reafons ' offilencing the Diffenters, they ought not to be re- ' proached for it by thofe, who by force reftrained them, and would not permit them to write. He in- ' ftances in a Book of Hanmer's, which he fays was ' refufed a Licenfe, becaufe it was known to be writ by a D/enter : In Mr. Pendlebury's Difcourfe of T'ranfubftantiation, which was rejeEted for the fame Reafon, tho' recommended by Dr. Claget: And in the Account of the Rife of the Name ' Proteftant, for which a Licenfe could not be ob- tained by Dr. Ifham, who faid the Author was a ' faucy Fellow , for calling the Pope Antichrift. His laft Inftance is, of Mr. Baxter's Offer, to produce a Piece againft Popery once a Month, which, he fays, was rejected with Scorn ; and obliges the Reputation of his Character to make good all this as Matter of Fait.' * Weflley againft Palmer, p. 61. ' Were not we (fays Mr. Mpg) perfecuted in that Reign, and yet did this hinder us from defending our holy Religion, at the fame time that the Diffenters were hugg'd and carefred, created Regulators and made Judges, Juftices, and Magiftrates throughout all Eng- ' land?' 1 Id. P. S z, Upon