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430 APPENDIX. Upon how (lender a Twig the Reputation of his Character would have hung, had it depended upon the making good thefe Particulars, the following Letter of Dr. Ifham to Dr. Walker, in anfwer to the like Objections made by Mr. Robinfon, plainly proves. Honoured Sir, Since you fo kindly accepted my former Letter, I am not afraid of venturing another up- ' on the fame Subject. Mr. Robinfon's Story, I believe to be a pure Romance, and that his Me- ' mory cannot be fo faithful, notwithftanding his Warmth and Vehemency to remember precifcly my Words to him, at the diftance of above 18 Years. But a fruitful Invention will fupply the place of a good Memory. I declare upon the Word of a Chrillian, that I remember not one Syllable of the whole Matter: and there are two ' Circumftances that make me confident of the Fal- Pity of it. The one is, my calling the Author Fel- low, which is a Term of Contempt very unufual ' in my Mouth, and very unlikely to be thrown by me, in thofe days, on any Writers againft ' Popery. The other Circumftance is, that I fhould reflect on the Homilies, and fay, Now we had learned more Manners; whereas for above 20 Years, I have had fo juft an Efteem of that ex- ' cellent Book, that I am fure I never vilified any part of it. As for the Foundation of this blind Report, what my Opinion is concerning the great Antichrig, I need not trouble you with. 4 But 'tis no eftablifhed Doctrine of our Church, that the Pope is this Man of Sin ; and therefore to reprefent him indecently as fuch, and to draw in- ' vidious Confequences, which flow from this No- ' tion, could be, I think, neither Prudence nor * Wefltey, P. S9 Manners,