Grey - BX9329 G7 1736

APPENDIX, 431 Manners, when King lames was in the Height of his Power, and the lefuits taking all Occa- fons to incenfe him againft the Clergy. Did any ' of the Diffenters intimate, that he was the Son of Antichrift, when they made their Addreffes of Thanks to him ? As for Mr. Baxter, I never obftru ted his writing againft Popery; one at leaft of his Books, I licenfed : and if he had pre- ' pared any thing againft the common Enemy, ' without ítriking * obliquely at our Church, I ' would certainly have forwarded them for the Preis. And fince Mr. Robinfon knew fo well the way to London - Floufe, how came fo hopeful a ' Defign to mifcarry ? I fear Mr. Baxter's Pen was then otherwife employ'd, and what has ap- pear'd ofhis lance the Revolution, the Paps have ' no reafon to complain of. The other Allega- ' tions concerning Dr. Claget, and the Confuter of Tranfubftantiation, I am utterly ignorant of; and lance theSlanders are not cart upon me perfonally, ' I thall take no pains to wipe them off. But, Sir, ' I am afhamed to fee what mean Shifts thefe Gentle- ' men ufe to fupport a finking Caufe. This is not ' the way of Peace, nor ofChriftianity: God fend ' a better Spirit among us, and put a flop to our ' dangerous Contentions, which are fuch a Grief to s all peaceable Men, and a Sport only to the Haters ' of Religion. And thus, Sir, having fatisfiedyour ' Enquiry, I with Succefs to your Work, and that ' it may continue both to the honour ofour Church, and healing ofour Differences ; and I am, Sir, Your molt humble and obedient Servant, $olyhall, O lober z4, Z. Ifham. 1704. * Some of their late smo-edged Champions at Salters-Hall, have taken this very Method, of refle4ing obliquely upon the Church ofEngland, in their Sermons againft Popery. As