APPENDIX. 4.33 ffi fcience; which was recalled by Interpofition of Parliament: but the Projeft which was then hap- ' pily biafted by the Parliament, revived to amaze- ' ment in the following Reign. The Nation had the pain to fee a 7efuit made a Privy- Counfellor. and Prime Minifter of State, and the Protefiant Diffenters very deep in his Interefts, and warm ' under his Influence; to fee thefe Denters f<s ]i- berally offering up their Incenfe to the Court, which was then labouring to enflave us to the Pope, and the Court anfwering their Devotion with many Favours ; for fo it was, as every body knows. And when this Alliance was confirmed between them, hardly a Week gaffed over out- ' heads, which did not bring us frelh Intelligence ' of their mutual Endearments. What I have faid of the Difenters, mutt not beunderftood of the whole Body of them, with- ' out exception: for to do them right, fome of them were afflicted at the fhameful Confederacy, in which their Brethren were engaged ; but nei- ther in Number, nor in Zeal and Diligence, did they equal tbofe, who beheld our Church in Di- ' ftrefs, with fuch Eyes as the Children of Edon: looked on 7erufatem in the Dayof her Advertty, when they cry'd to theBabylonians, Raze it, raze it to the Foundation. * It is obfervable, that the Kindnefs of the Papifis put them into a ftrange Fit of Complaifance, and was the Caufe, that either they employ'd their Pens in the Service of ' the Church of Rome, or not againft it ; but the Obligations which they had received from the ' Conformi ts, inftead of abating, have inflamed their Rage, and given them Encouragement to ' write abundance of Books, filch as they are, a- ' gainít the Church of England.-- Preface, P S F f Again ;