434 APPENDIX. Again ; * ' In theOpinion,you fee,of this Gentle- ' man, the Clergywere then fo very dangerous,when with fo much Courage they threw themfelves in theBreach,that was made by the Difpenfing Power, and were afferting and labouring to preferve our ' Laws and Liberties, which others were offering ' up in Sacrifice: they were then conveying their ' Malignity to the People, when with their Books and Sermons, they defended the Caufe of the Reformation with fo much Succefs, that Popery lay gafping before them in great Agonies, nbt- withftanding the Cordials that were adminiftred to it with other hands. And then the King was uneafy, becaufe his Endeavours to eftablifh his ' Religion, did not make the Impreffions he de- fired : and the yefuits and their Affociates were ' uneafy, becaufe their Meafures were broken, and ' their Expectation ofextirpating the Northern He- ' refy defy °_ted ; and fuck of the D/enters, as had been affifting and pufhing them on in Works of .Darknefs, were uneafy at the Reproach they had ' brought upon themfelves, by their ill Conduh. ' But in the reft of the Nation, there appeared a general SatisfaCIion to fee Truth prevailing by ' lawful Methods, againft theErrors of the Church ' of Rome, when they were covered with a power- ful ProteEtion.' ó Preface, p. z7. 711.E END.