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Hifory ofthePuritans, examina. 41 Bond of Peace, they found no pofibility of preferving the Spirit of Unity; one Separation growing continually on the neck of another, till They were crumbled into nothing. TheBrethren ' of the firft Separation had found fault with the Church of England for reading Prayers and Ho- milies as they lay in the Book, and not admitting the Presbytery to take place amongst them. But the Brethren of the fecond Separation take as much Diftaffe againft retaining all Set-Forms of Hymns, and Pfalms, committing their Concep- tions, both in Praying and Prophefying, to the help of Memory, and did as much abominate Presbytery as the others liked it. For firft, they prefuppofe for granted, as they fafely might, that there be three kinds of fpiritual Worfhip, Praying, Prophefying, andSinging of Pfalms; and then fubjoin this Maxim, That there is the fame reafon of helps in all the Parts of fpiritual War- ' Chip, as is to be admitted in any one, during the performing of that Worfhip, upon whichground they charge it home upon their Fellow- Separatifts, That as in Prayer, the Book is to be laid afide by the Confeffion of the ancient Brethren of the Separation, fo mull it alto be in Prophefying, and fnging of Pfalms; and therefore, whether we pray, orling, t or prophefy, it is not to be from the Book, but out of the Heart. For Prophefying, next they tell us, that the Spirit is quench'd two manner of ways, by Memory, as well as Reading. And to make known how little ufe there is of Memory in the At of Prophefying or Preaching; they tell us, that the citing ofChapter or Verlè, (as not being ufed by Chrift and his Apofiles, in their Sermons or , Writings) is a Mark of Antichri$. And as for Pfalms, which make the third Part of fpiritual Worfhip ; they propofe thefe Queries : Firft, ' Whether in a Plain'', a Man muff be tied to Metre, Rythme,