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68 Mr. N E A L S IP VOL of the Us, (for molt of them grew from Precedents s which fhow rather a Toleration, than Inheritance) yet we are pleas'd to give you our Royal Affu- rance, That as long as you contain yourfelves within the limits of your Duty, we will be as 6 careful to maintain your lawful Liberties and Privileges, as ever any of our Predeceffors were, 6 nay as to preferve our Royal Prerogative ; fo as your Houfe (hall only have need to beware to 6 trench upon the Prerogative of the Crown, which 6 would enforce us, or any juft King, to retrench their Privileges, that would pare his Prerogative, and Flowers of the Crown : But of this we hope 6 there fhall never be Caule given.' Neal, p. 134. fl few days after, he difJolved the Parliament, and t'd out a Proclamation, forbidding his Subjea`ls to talk of State- Affairs. The Strength of a Proclamation put our, to forbid talking of State- Affairs, (fays Wilfon, p. 6 190.) could not reftrain them from mouthing out, That Great-Britain was become lefs than Little England; that they had loft Strength by changing Sexes, and that he was no King, but a Fidler's Son ; otherwife he would not fuffer fuch Diforders at home, and fo much Difhonour ad broad : fo dangerous is it for Princes by a fleg- tpatick Remiinefs, to flacken the Ligaments of the People's Tongues ; for fuch an Overflux of bad Humours may bring their Obedience to a Paralytick.' Neal, p. 135. He committed the leading Members to Prifon, as Sir Edward Cook, Effc. Others were fent into Ireland, and the Earls of Oxford, and Southampton, were fent to the Tower. lfon, [p. t9 t.] and Tyndal, [in his Note upon Rapin, p. 493.] fay, 6 The Earl of Oxford was betray'd and accus'd by one White a PapUl, 6 to have fpoken fore Words to the Difhonour of 6 the