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furyofthe Puritans,: examin'd. 77 rian, who in various places ofhis Hiftory has proved him, even whilft in Scotland, and almoft from his Infancy, to have been a Favourer of Epifcopacy And how far he was aPapift, let Mr. Rufhworth (no great Friend tohim) witnefs *. He advifed (lays he) 6 his Son to love his Wife, but . not her Religion ; and adds, [in another place, from Bithop Willia?ns's Funeral Sermon for King afames] -t- 'How power- ' fully did he charge the Prince with the Care of Religionand Juftice, the two Pillars, as he term- ' ed them, of his future Throne? &c. and con- ' eluded with that heavenlyAdvice tohis Son, con- ' cerning that great future A& of his.Marriage, to marry like himfelf, and to marrywhere he would ; but if he did marry the Daughter of that King, [viz, ofFrance] he thould marry her Perron, but he thould not marry her Religion.' Neal, p. 15 t. He certainlywas themeaneft Prince that everfat upon the Britifh Throne. BifhopSpotfwood, who lived in hisTime, was pre- ferred by him to the Archbifhoprick ofSt. Andrews, and certainly knew his Chara&er much better than either Mr. Neal or any of the Authors he quotes to difparage him ; fpeaksof him in the followingman- ner p : ' He was the Solomon of this Age, admired ' for his wife Government, and for his. Knowledge 6 ofall manner ofLearning, for. his Wifdom, Mo- deration, Love of Juftice, for his Patience and Piety, (which thined above all his other Virtues, as is witnefí'ed in the learned Works he has left to Pofterity :) his Name ¡hall never be forgotten, but remain in Honour, fo long as the Worldendureth. We who had the Honour and Happinefs many timestohear him difcourfe ofthemoft mightyMat- ' ters, as well of Policy, as Divinity ; now that he is Rufhwort/, Vol. I. p. ifs. Ib,p,161. Bithop Spot/wood's Church-Hillary, p. 546. gone,