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I,iory of the Puritans, examìn'd. 81 of England to be inftituted the neareft the Pra5ice of the Apoftles, and the belt for the Propagation and the Practice ofReligion, ofany Church in the World. On -the other fide, tho' no Man was more averfe from the Romig) Church, than he was, nor better underftood the Motives of their Separation from us, and Anirnofity againft us, he had the higheft Diflike to that part of his Sub- ' je&s, who were againft the Government of the Church Eftablifhed, and did always look upon them as a dangerous and feditious People, who under pretence of Confcienee, which kept them from fubmitting to the fpiritual Jurifdiátion, to take the firft 'Opportunity they could find, or make, to withdraw themf,:lves from their tempo- ' rál Suhje&ion.' And Bithop Fleetwood, no Bigot to Party, gives the following Account of the Royal Mkrtyr's Reli- gion*. ' No Prince, I will fay, no private Gen- ' tleman, did ever underftand the Conftitution of ' our Church better, defend it with ftronger Argu- ments, adhere to it with more Judg nent, adorn it with better Manners, live up to its good Prin- ciples with more Virtue, nor in performance of its Offices, (hew more Devout and Exemplary good Behaviour; I will not in thefe things ex- ' cept the Queen upon the Throne, nor the .Bleffed Saint in Heaven, her Sifter. No Perfon did ever (hew more perfonal Favour to its Minifters, nor gave more Countenance and Credit to its Difci- pline and Orders ; and muff I fay, no Prince but he did ever die in its Defence, tojuftify the high ' Efteem we have him in.' And this is the Prince (if we'll take Mr. Neal's Word for it) who lean'd to Popery. But let us hear what follows, to make good bis ilffertion. * Fleetwood's Sermon befare the Lords, Jan. 30. 5709-5o. p. ßz. 8vo. G Neal,