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Hory ofthe Puritans, examin.'d. 89 ` had never thought upon thofe needlefs Contro- ' verfies.' Neal, p. 178. War being declared, the Qt"een's Domejticks werefent home, and a Fleet wasfittedout, which made a fruitlef Defcent upon the lie of Rhee, under the ConduS of the Duke of Buckingham, with the lofs offive thoufand Men. The Queen's Domeflicks were fent home before War was declared*. ' This Year a Mifunderftand. ing between the Courts of England and France 4 began, upon force Difputes touching the Govern- ' ment of the Queen's Family. By the Articles of ' Marriage, it was agreed, her Majefty fhould have a certain Number of Prieffs to officiate in her Chappel, together with a Bithop, who was to be allowed the fì11 Exercife of Ecclefiaftical Jurif- ' diétion ; force of the Ecclefiafticks enjoin'd her Majefty a very odd Penance: 'twas to go to Ty- ' burn to perform her Devotions, where force Ro- man Catholick Priefts had been lately executed. The King refenting this Difcipline, and having been ill tiled by the Queen's Family in other re- ' fpeas, complain'd of their Misbehaviour, to the French King In fhort, the French part of the Queen's Servants were paid their Salaries and fent home. And tho' the King ordered his Ambaffa- dor, the Lord Carlton, to reprefent this Matter at length for the Satisfaction of his molt C:hriftian. Majefty, yet the Excufe would by no means pafs with the French: they remonftrated againft this Difcharge, as a Breach of the Articles of Mar- ' riage, and the two Crowns carne to an open Rup- ture, which was not clofed till the latter End of the next Year.' Neal, p. 178. His Majefty went on with railing Money by Excife, and inftead offoftening the Makes * Collier, p. 741. &.jhworth, p. 4.24. AnsofK. Charles the Firft, p. 209. of