1-Iippineff'e ofrwrfaknr of Chryt. - . . _.._.. humble, hearty and excellent fubjeaion under fl:htift, with full, confiant and moll excellent contentation with e;heift, 1 having him in whom is fulneffe infinitely furpafìïng the fui :neTe of all creatures. CHAP. XV. Opening the Ileffed and happy condition of them that are partakers of Chrift, 1. His declares the fingular happines and bleffed condition Of fuch are partakers of Chrift above all other perlons : they have him in whom is fulneffe, infinitely furpaffing tlae fulneffe of all creatures, Mans having ipirituall right ankf intereft in Chrift Jef us, is mans greateft happineffe : IL is the happineífe of a Traveller to have the Sun, in which is ful- neffe of light, to guide him ; tkerefore the Sun appearing, he leaves all other lights, and contents himfelfe with this, as having enough in this. It was the happineffe of the Mer- chant in the Parable to have the precious pearle ; he ¡old all to poffeffe himfelfe of that, affuring himfelfe that having that he had enough, he needed no other treafure to be added : Chrift is a glorious Sun, in whom is all light ; a precious Pearle, in whom is all treafure ; he that hath him needs no- thing elfe to make him happy : He that hath all things with- out Chrift, is poore, bate, uni erable; he that bath Ch:itt in the abfence of all other things, is rich, full and honoura- ble. As Auguf}ine fometime Paid of the knowledge of other thengs, and ignorance of God, a Unbapny if be That knowes all things, and knowcs lot thee ; but be that 1`tmes both thee and them H happy ; not for them, but for thee alone : So in this cafe unhap- py is he that poffeffeth all things,and bath not Chrilr,but he that hath both Chrift and them, is happy; not for them, bnt for Chrift alone. Hearken, whom dots the Spirit of God pronounce happy, Bleed is the Nation whofe God is the Lord, and the people whom be bath chosen for his owne inheritance The Nation which bath God for their Lord, in his Ordi- M nances 3. Ma[tF:, r, 3 .44. a Infcelix qui orisn rc noz it & te nefcit : rrtsi aeatem te c'a it- la novit, r,on protster ii,/a be_ atr. s, fed prop- ter te fo'r!m. l'fa1.33.1 r.